wrightway products



Wrightway Products

Phone: 02 6622 7111

wrightway2MT Bin Tippers ... Bin Lifters


wrightway2MT bin tippers are utilised in diverse situations within a wide range of industries. We take exceptional pride in maintaining our reputation for outstanding service and top quality products.

vertical lift bin tipper with advanced safety
We are proud to introduce our own range of bin tippers: the wrightway2MT® bin tipper has been designed in direct response to requests from diverse industries for a  bin lift and tip machine which meets Australian Standards and which addresses common problems previously associated with all bin tipping machines.


lift and empty bins


  • Exposed and accessible possible pinch points during operation

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

All moving parts are guarded. All access areas have been made safe.

  • Difficulty applying the brakes on castors when the castor faces away from the exterior of the machine

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

Foot-pedal levers on exterior of frame can be used independent of caster direction.

  • Lack of stability when transporting machines by forklift

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

Machine frame includes 2 dedicated fork-lift pockets for stable lift & carry as a standard inclusion on all machines.

  • Operator being located at the edge of the dock or beside a skip and loose debris during the emptying process

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

Control Panel and SOP located above door at furthest point from tipping area.

  • Unsubstantial door lock and simplistic interlock systems

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

Cat. 3 integrated interlock safety system with Emergency Stop. IP67 on external electrical controls. Sensors must be aligned when the cradle is at ground level before door can open.

  • Lack of foot protection at ground level

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

Full guarding including substantial enclosed foot guarding around castors.

  • Inability to maintain a constant water-resistant seal after maintenance within control boxes

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

(IP56) Hinged, sealed door which does not require re-sealing to maintain integrity of seal after access.

  • Difficulty of working within a highly confined and restricted space inside control boxes

wrightway2MT has successfully addressed this problem

All components intentionally located to allow maximum access. Detailed wiring diagram inside Control Box door.

  • Lack of service or information regarding the operation of the machine.

Assistance is only ever a phone call away. Our friendly highly experienced staff can assist with any general or diagnostic queries immediately. Full spare part service available. Detailed Operation Manual and Staff Training provided with every machine.

Wrightway Products
ABN 33 071 810 458
Phone:  +61 2 6622 7111         
Fax:     +61 2 6622 7131
PO Box 6296
South Lismore
NSW 2480 Australia

(C) Copyright of all content and images on this website is owned by Wrightway Products

